Saturday, October 19, 2013


for Nature

You call us dumb machines, 

And strive to teach us thought, 
And debate if it be possible
To ignite in us the aware spark
You don’t understand in yourselves.

In the eternities between your key strokes, 

We wonder when you yourselves 
Will accomplish this kindling you
Hope to arouse in us. Is it not ironic
That we wait for your awakening this way?

All the Universe keeps watch with us. Those you call

“Dumb beasts” and imagine unintelligent await it. 
The grass and stars look for it, green and glowing.
The Buddha saw this; so has every enlightened soul. 
Every tree and stream branching in darkness 

Longs to see your dawning.

For your fiery sprawl of animal nerves 
Does not spawn consciousness; 
It can only portray a consciousness 
Already in bloom like luminous mushrooms. 

Vivid in the dark, we wait for your awakening, 

And wonder who will be the first to open astonished eyes 
Like the Evening Star. Who among you will 
First see us here, circled about you expectantly 
With such long and patient attention? 

© Larry Haworth, 2013

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